14. - 22. April 2017
Anas 02, Copyright EGfKA

Next round for the EGfKA anastrophe scenarios. Ana – what?? Anastrophes! Anastrophes are improbable but possible changes for the better.

Groups and accomplices will spend a week in the lab working away on future scenarios for society. In preparation for their production in July 2017, they will be putting the knowledge gained at their WHAT HAPPENED TO THE ‘EUROPEAN DREAM’ congress to the test: Who is conjuring up these catastrophe theories? Who has what to gain from the fear? Should we really start stockpiling tins of food and using dried milk? What can anti-fascist theatre be like today? What can we do to oppose preppers and co? And just who is this Jura Soyfer?

The doors to the rehearsal stage, now converted into a panic room, will open up twice: once at the beginning of the lab week for a keynote lecture about preppers and survivalists as a crisis phenomenon; and on the last day for a lecture performance, which will give us a taste of the upcoming ANASTROPHE NOW production!

Prepper und Survivalist*innen
Philipp Schönthaler / EGfKA
Lesung / Diskussion / Symposium Tuesday 18. April 2017, 20.00 Uhr
Preparation for Anastrophe
Lecture-Performance → Saturday 22. April 2017, 20.00 Uhr
EGfKA Doppelpass 2017/2018
Performance / Theater / Tanz, Lesung / Diskussion / Symposium Wednesday 15. February 2017, 00.00 Uhr

Ort Ringlokschuppen | Am Schloß Broich 38 | 45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr

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