Performance / Theater / Tanz
Friday 04. November 2016, 20.00 Uhr Premiere!
Saturday 05. November 2016, 00.00 Uhr
Thursday 11. May 2017, 20.00 Uhr + Einführung

Info: Language DE/FR | Surtitle DE/FR/EN | Introduction DE/FR

When, in 1607, Monteverdi’s Orfeo was performed as the first ever opera, with Eurydice boarding a boat bound for the underworld, far away, somewhere on a West African beach, another boat was setting off with a more “human load”… kainkollektiv and OTHNI (Yaoundé, Cameroon) have created a Cameroonian-German opera(tion) about the memory of slavery. While Europe was re- inventing itself as a humane modern society, the slave trade continued in parallel as the suppressed downside to this story and as an unrelenting precondition for the ascendency and wealth of the colonial powers. In this encounter between highly contrasting musical traditions, a new soundscape emerges: from laments and dirges, work songs and protest songs, right through to a repertoire of European opera. A musical theatre performance which pulls this legacy, suppressed in both Africa and Europe, up out of the depths of history until it is literally ringing in our ears. A mission after all other missions, and consequently a mission without a remit.


Konzept und Inszenierung kainkollektiv (Fabian Lettow / Mirjam Schmuck) und Martin Ambara (OTHNI) Bühne herrwolke Kostüm Alexandra Tivig Produktionsleitung Mina Novakova Technische Leitung Stefan Göbel Technische Assistenz Valéry Kwongue Ebouele Ausstattungs- und Produktionsassistenz Kathrin Ebmeier

Von und mit Antoine Effroy, Catherine Jodoin, David Guy Kono, Carsten Langer, Madeleine Pélagie Nga Alima, Rasmus Nordholt-Frieling, Kerstin Pohle, Nils Voges, Edith Voges Nana Tchuinang, Jean Calvin Yugye

Eintritt VVK 12€ / erm. 6€ | AK 15€ / erm. 8€ / Gruppe 5€

Ort Ringlokschuppen | Am Schloß Broich 38 | 45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr

Eine Koproduktion von

Gefördert durch

Internationalen Koproduktionsfonds des Goethe Instituts und das Goethe Institut Kamerun