About the probable and the improbable

Maria Vogt / KGI

Film premiere
Saturday 25. November 2017, 20.00 Uhr + Discussion

Info: Discussion DE / Translation AR

How can we work together to become resistant and empowered? Maria Vogt is an actor and member of the KGI theatre collective. She also studied film at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg. Her final graduation film was created during rehearsals for The Green Cockatoo, which many citizens of Mulheim took part in. The film looks into Arthur Schnitzler’s core imagery of the grotesque. How can we turn the world on its head without banging our own heads together as well?  After the performance, we are all invited to join in a (self-) critical discussion in a relaxed atmosphere. 

Eintritt 8 € / erm. 4 €

Ort Ringlokschuppen | Am Schloß Broich 38 | 45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr

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