The Ringlokschuppen Ruhr is a venue for contemporary theatre, performance and dance. Regional and international artists, current social discourses and a diversity of art forms come together here. A locomotive shed built around 1875 is now home to four stages and a vegetarian restaurant. In addition to a variety of in-house productions, the theatre regularly initiates participatory projects in urban space. In addition, the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr presents the popular cultural programme with cabaret, comedy and concert evenings both in the Ringlokschuppen and in Stadthalle Mülheim.
Since 2006, the Ringlokschuppen team has been continuously building a comprehensive network of artists across Germany and internationally. Working relationships with many groups, ensembles and collectives have stood the test of time. Artists who perform and have performed many times in the Ringlokschuppen include andcompany&Co., Anna Kpok, Boris Nikitin, CocoonDance, Cooperativa Maura Morales, Gintersdorfer/Klaßen, kainkollektiv, LIGNA, Marta Górnicka, Martin Ambara, Monster Truck, René Pollesch and vorschlag:hammer.
The Ringlokschuppen Ruhr has already carried out collaborations three times within the scope of the Doppelpass fund of the Federal Cultural Foundation. After collaborations with copy&waste (2013/14) and EGfKA (2017/18), a cooperation with KGI and the Musiktheater im Revier Gelsenkirchen followed in 2019/20.
Co-productions by the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr have received numerous nominations and awards, and have been invited to numerous festivals. In 2019, the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr was awarded the Federal Theatre Prize.
As a co-production theatre and sociocultural centre, the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr works in partnership with social institutions, schools and universities as well as with allied theatres and festivals, including FFT Düsseldorf, Ballhaus Ost, Ruhr University Bochum, Hochschule Ruhr West and many more. In 2019, the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr started a cooperation with Theater an der Ruhr and the Mülheimer Theatertage NRW, funded in the context of the state programme Neue Wege, which resulted in the new theatre alliance in 2020. Since September 2019, the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr has been part of the European theatre network Moving Borders, with partner theatres in Athens, Dresden, Porto, Strasbourg, Utrecht and Warsaw, which is planning the participatory project Ark together with Quarantine in all seven cities for summer 2021.
Since the beginning of the Impulse Theatre Festival in 1990, the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr has been one of the central venues of the "Theatertreffen der Freien Szene". The Shiny Toys Festival for experimental media and sound art has been held annually since 2010. Between 2011 and 2017, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr hosted the Mülheimer Fatzer Days, a festival for political theatre with young artists and more established ensembles that deals with the social and aesthetic facets of Bertolt Brecht's Fatzer fragment. Since 2019, the HundertPro Festival has been offering a platform for young post-migratory artists from the fields of performance, dance, theatre, new circus, stand-up and poetry slam once a year.
The Silent University Ruhr has been located in the vier.zentrale, a former shop in the city centre, since 2015. It is an autonomous educational and exchange platform for refugee academics who want to publicly convey their knowledge that has been silenced by language barriers and a lack of recognition. The Silent University is the catalyst for translating many of our theatrical performances into Arabic, English or French in order to open up the programme. The Silent University is the engine of our structural diversification process.
In addition, the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr offers the free Do it yourself programme initiated by artists for people between 8 and 88 years of age. The oldest continuously held event format in the Ringlokschuppen is the monthly integrative Disco Grenzenlos.