1989: The Great Disintegration


Performance / Theater / Tanz
Saturday 07. December 2019, 20.00 Uhr
Website Keyvisual, Copyright Jan Brokof

Ready to return to the year 1989? The year of „Disintegration“, the legendary record by The Cure, which delivered the unexpected counter-soundtrack to the euphoric cheering for the end of the Cold War. What does all this have to do with „The Neverending Story“? All of Fantasia is threatened! andcompany&Co. turn on the time machine...


Konzept & Regie: andcompany&Co. (Karschnia, Nord, Sulimma)

von & mit: Amanda Brokof, Alexander Karschnia, Karsten Krampitz, Luise Meier, Nicola Nord, Sascha Sulimma&Co.
Bühne: Jan Brokof&Co.
Mitarbeit Bühne und Kostüme: Ángela Ribera Adrovar
Licht: Sebastian Zamponi
Ton: Mareike Trillhaas
Regieassistenz: Verena Katz
Technische Leitung: Marc Zeuske
Company Management: Caroline Farke

+ Tanzkaraoke with Olivia Hyunsin Kim

+ '80s Aftershowparty "Kiss Me Goodbye"

Eintritt Vvk 12 € / erm. 6 € | Ak 15 € / erm. 8 € / Gruppe 5 €

Ort Ringlokschuppen | Am Schloß Broich 38 | 45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr

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