Cooperation VHS - Silent University

The most important and best-known institutions of adult education in Germany are the Adult Education Centre (VHS). They offer standardised teaching concepts which is important for the concrete realisation of freedom and democracy such as qualification emancipation. The type of teaching methodology offered by the VHS encourages the participants to determine the content themselves and to work on it independently. In some cases, discussion groups replace frontal teaching and the needs of the people takes centre stage.

The structural similarities between the idea of the adult education centre and the Silent University are obvious: people who have a certain knowledge and / or have special craft or artistic talents share their insights and skills with others who have correspondingly targeted interests and a willingness to learn. Different forms of self-empowerment take place on the part of both teachers and learners. Among initiators and interested parties, a solidarity develops that is often lacking in standardised educational institutions. Places of knowledge production are places of communion that give hope and orientation. It becomes obvious why the SUR has decided to carry out this project with the VHS.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Learning German playfully
Martina Becker-Gläsel
Online Seminar Online-Kurs bis 06.04. jeden Dienstag 17:00 - 18:00 Uhr
6 questions for my body
Silvia Ehnis Perez Duarte
Online Workshop series for women Series of Onlineworkshops | fully booked every other wednesday 5 to 6:30 p.m. until April 14th
Tanz@Home - Sich und andere tanzend kennenlernen
Silvia Ehnis Perez Duarte und María Mercedes Flores Mujica
Silent University Mittwochs 10:00 bis 11:130 | bis 28.07.
Get to know (each other) dancing
Silvia Ehnis Perez Duarte und María Mercedes Flores Mujica
Silent University 17.11.2021 | 11:15 - 12:45
Immigrant Empowerment durch Berufsorientierung
mit Rebecca Fischer & Justin Fonkeu
Silent University in der vier.zentrale Saturday 09. October 2021, 11.00 Uhr / in der vier.zentrale Saturday 23. October 2021, 11.00 Uhr / in der Volkshochschule Saturday 13. November 2021, 11.00 Uhr / in der Volkshochschule Mülheim an der Ruhr Saturday 04. December 2021, 11.00 Uhr
Learning German playfully
Martina Becker-Gläsel
Online Seminar → Mondays from 8 to 9.30 PM | 25.10.2021 to 17.01.2022
Immigrant Empowerment durch Berufsorientierung
mit Rebecca Fischer & Justin Fonkeu
Silent University at VHS Saturday 02. April 2022, 11.00 Uhr / at VHS Saturday 07. May 2022, 11.00 Uhr / at VHS Saturday 21. May 2022, 11.00 Uhr / at vier.zentrale Saturday 25. June 2022, 11.00 Uhr
Digital transformation during Covid-19
Lecture and Discussion → Saturday 23. April 2022, 15.00 Uhr
World Dance Salon
Silvia Ehnis Perez Duarte und María Mercedes Flores Mujica
Dancing workshop series → Thursday 28. April 2022, 10.00 Uhr / Wednesday May 18 and Thursday May 19 2022 | 10 am to 12.30 pm / Wednesday June 22 and Thursday June 23 2022 | 10 am to 12.30 pm
Immigrant Creativity: Works of Art
Workshop Series → Saturday May 07 | 11.45 to 15.30 / Saturday May 21 | 11 am to 4 pm / Saturday June 04 | 11 am to 4 pm / Saturday June 11 | 11 am to 4 pm
Digital transformation during Covid-19
Seminar → May 13 to June 24 | Fridays 6 to 9 pm / Friday June third | 6 to 9 pm / Friday June 10 | 6 to 9 pm / Friday June 17 | 6 to 9 pm / Friday June 24 | 6 to 9 pm
Immigrant Creativity: Works of Art
Workshop Series at VHS Mülheim Saturday 17/09 | 11.45 to 3 pm / at VHS Mülheim Saturday 22/10 | 11.45 to 3 pm / at VHS Mülheim Saturday 05/11 | 11.45 to 3 pm / at VHS Mülheim Saturday 19/11 | 11.45 to 3 pm
Immigrant Empowerment by vocational guidance
Silent University at VHS Saturday 12. August 2023, 12.00 Uhr / at vier.zentrale Saturday 26. August 2023, 12.00 Uhr / at vier.zentrale Saturday 09. September 2023, 12.00 Uhr / at VHS Saturday 23. September 2023, 12.00 Uhr
Shake Shake Shake Trip
Dance Workshop at VHS Saturday 02. September 2023, 13.00 Uhr / at vier.zentrale Saturday 14. October 2023, 13.00 Uhr / at VHS Saturday 18. November 2023, 13.00 Uhr / at vier.zentrale Saturday 16. December 2023, 13.00 Uhr
Silent University in der vier.zentrale Saturday 07. October 2023, 10.00 Uhr / in der vier.zentrale Saturday 21. October 2023, 10.00 Uhr / at vier.zentrale Saturday 11. November 2023, 10.00 Uhr / in der VHS Saturday 18. November 2023, 10.00 Uhr
Silent University in der VHS Saturday 28. October 2023, 13.00 Uhr / in der vier.zentrale Saturday 04. November 2023, 13.00 Uhr / in der vier.zentrale Saturday 25. November 2023, 13.00 Uhr / in der vier.zentrale Saturday 09. December 2023, 13.00 Uhr