HundertPro 2020

Tanz, Performance, Theater und Comedy

Series of Performances
Saturday 10. October 2020, 18.00 Uhr

Info: Varying original languages, partial translation (EN), or without language | Performances 15 – 45 minutes with 20 min breaks

Please mind the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr Covid-19 measures and bring a completed contact form.

A variety of artists, a diversity of forms – HundertPro goes into the second round! From contemporary dance, theatre and performance to video installation, comedy and stand-up - fourteen works by 85 different artists were selected from over 100 applications from North Rhine-Westphalia and across Germany for this second edition of HundertPro. The festival focuses on young (post) migrant artists and once again celebrates various artists and groups and their work this year. From contemporary dance, theatre and performance to video installation, comedy and stand-up, the most diverse art forms appear side by side on an equal footing.

After the opening at 6 p.m. with HAMONIM by Patricia Carolin Mai, with dance enthusiasts from the Ruhr Area and surroundings, you will be able to choose between the programmes on stage 1 and stage 3. You'll be able to see performers and comedians on both stages in short, 15–45-minute slots. There will be 20-minute breaks between the performances, during which the stages are well ventilated and cleaned. You can enjoy some refreshments in the foyer or at Isi Baba's food truck before the marathon continues. Of course, you can also take a longer break in the Ronja restaurant and then get back in again.

It will be a party! That's a safe bet!

Opening | 6 p.m.

Mg 1387 1


Patricia Carolin Mai | Dance

HAMONIM – Hebrew for "what moves the masses" – 30 people are a mass that can move something. But what is one single person in the midst of 29 other people? Is she at their mercy or does she find protection? How much power can a group wield, and what kind of community results? For volume 2 of HundertPro, a Mülheim version is being developed with dance-loving people of different ages from the Ruhr area!


Patricia Carolin Mai was born in North Rhine-Westphalia and has lived in Hamburg since 2013. As a dancer and choreographer, she produces stage pieces using production facilities at Kampnagel Hamburg and at LOFFT – Das Theater in Leipzig. She completed her training at the Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp and the SNDO in Amsterdam. She also studied the master's degree in Performance Studies at the University of Hamburg. Her choreographic work focuses on examining the body as a central repository of memories. After participating in HundertPro Festival Vol. 1, she is now returning to the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr.


A Patricia Carolin Mai production in co-production with K3 – Zentrum für Choreographie | Tanzplan Hamburg. Sponsored by: Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg, Hamburgische Kulturstiftung, Dfdk Dachverband Hamburg und Rudolf Augstein Stiftung. Support: Seoul Dance Center Korea, Goethe Institut Korea, Hochschulsport Hamburg und Claussen-Simon-Stiftung. Made possible by: Wiederaufnahme- und Gastspielförderung des Dachverbands freie darstellende Künste Hamburg, im Auftrag der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien.

Stage 1 from 7 p.m.

Tan Caglar Key Visual Story

Tan Caglar | Moderator

What do a Turk, a model and a professional basketball player have in common? They are all Tan Caglar! The comedian, author, coach and presenter Tan Caglar is no stranger to HundertPro. After participating in the first edition in 2019, he is returning to the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr for volume 2 and will be presenting the programme on stage 1.


Tan Caglar was born in Hildesheim in 1980. He was born with spina bifida, a congenital disease of the spinal cord. His passion for basketball developed in childhood. At 21 he played in the major league, at 25 he transitioned into a wheelchair, and at 28 he got a professional wheelchair basketball contract. Since 2012, Caglar has also worked as a coach in the field of inclusion and integration, and, in 2016, he was the first model in a wheelchair to ride the catwalk at Berlin Fashion Week.

Amiri Negah Foto © Gregor Wiebe

Negah gut!

Negah Amiri | Comedy


Negah Amiri – the comedy newcomer with a special first name! In her programme, the native Iranian relates a lot about her move to Germany when she was just 11 years old. She is now considered a truly well integrated Persian. Numerous anecdotes – especially from her childhood and youth in Germany – are only waiting for a large audience.


After studying Applied Media Economics at the Mittweida University of Applied Studies, Negah Amiri did an internship at Antenne Frankfurt radio station. At Antenne Bad Kreuznach, she presented the morning show "Antenne am Morgen" ("Antenne in the morning") and the midday broadcast "Antenne bei der Arbeit" ("Antenne at work"). As a comedienne, she is currently on tour with Nightwash, and will be back at the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr on 11th December 2020.

Restraint Lina Gómez © Gerhard Ludwig


Lina Gómez | Dance


In this piece, a dancer and a drummer create an exciting dialogue. This duet of dance and music oscillates both artfully and untiringly in equal measure, and, together, they create a powerful burst of energy in the smallest of spaces, in which the body submits completely to the beat. In this physical choreography, dance and music are emphatic about supporting each other continuously, thus creating an interwoven, vibrant space. The sound of energy!


Lina Gómez (Director/Choreography) was born in Colombia and is a choreographer, dancer and teacher. Gómez studied dance and theatre in São Paulo, Brazil. Julek Kreutzer is a dancer and choreographer and lives in Berlin. She is a founding member of the association "Tänzer ohne Grenzen e.V." ("Dancers without borders"). Michelangelo Contini (music), born in Milan, has lived and worked in Berlin since 2002. In parallel to his work as a painter, he began to participate in various music and performance projects.


Lina Gómez, Julek Kreutzer, Michelangelo Contini, Bruno Pocheron, Sandra Ernst und Thomas Schaupp.

A coproduction by Lina Gómez Koproduktion with ada Studio & Bühne für zeitgenössischen Tanz and Sophiensaele Berlin

Duran Foto Da Wo Alle Gleich1

Da wo alle gleich sind, gibt es keinen

Demjan Duran | Performance


We are thrown into the world and so there we are and then we exist. At some time or other, there comes a point where one wonders how one became the person one is. Demjan Duran and his parents were born in a country that no longer exists. In 1991, they came to the Federal Republic of Germany together. Interviews with the parents form the basis of the exploration: To what extent do past experiences within one's family determine one's own (political) identity?


Demjan Duran was born in Prijepolje (Serbia) in 1991 and grew up in Frankfurt am Main. He discovered his interest in directing while he was still training as an actor, and, in 2016, he began studying directing for plays and musical theatre at the August Everding Theatre Academy. Performer Leonard Dick, born in 1992, grew up with a Chilean–Russian background near Hanover. He studied acting at the August Everding Theatre Academy in 2016 and is currently working as a freelance actor.


Demjan Duran, Julia Hammersiel, Leonard Dick und Giovanni Berg

A Theaterakademie August Everding production

Iandelande 3 Roberta Medina


Lucas Lopez Pereria | Dance


The search for a place where the community is in balance, in harmony with the environment, is the utopian desire of the show IANDELANDE. It is a voyage that begins with the arrival of the dancer in the world, and it spans the journey from helpless birth to overcoming one's own limits. The work is a reflection on the body as an archive in which the knowledge of generations is hidden.


Lucas Lopes Pereira is a Brazilian artist who has lived in Germany for four years. He completed his Bachelor of Dance at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen and created IANDELANDE with his fellow students as part of the "Young Choreographers" event.


A Folkwang Universität der Künste production

Berhane Berhane Foto Niko Neidhart

Helden sind immer unterwegs!

Berhane Berhane | Comedy


Berhane answers the big questions of our time: "Where are we from?", "Where are we going?" and "Can I also pay by credit card?". When Berhane came to Germany at the age of 6, he had practically nothing, not even a surname. He only got one of those here, along with some surprising and new insights into life as a German.


Berhane says of himself that he had to grow up in a city that only the very toughest survive: Heidelberg. He has already appeared twice as a guest of Bülent Ceylan in the SAP Arena. Now Berhane is on tour with his first solo programme.

Yotam Alicja Hoppel


Yotam Peled & The Free Radicals | Performance


What would society be like if Eve had never shared the fruit of the tree of knowledge with Adam in Paradise? In ALPHA, altered gender roles and acts of domination and submission are lived out in a matriarchal society. Inspired by experiences of Berlin techno clubs as inclusive spaces for underdogs, the dancers come together in an attempt to regain that lost paradise for a brief moment.


Yotam Peled & The Free Radicals are an interdisciplinary ensemble that integrates dance, circus, theatre and fine arts and is based in Berlin. It was founded in September 2018, after the founding of "Entropia" as part of the "THINK BIG" project at the Hanover State Opera, and acts as a project-based company that engages various freelancers under the artistic direction of Yotam Peled.


Trauma Bar und Kino Berlin, Choreographic Center Heidelberg, TalentLAB#19 / Grand Theatre Luxembourg

Stage 3 from 7 p.m.

Miedya Mahmod Foto Björn Stork, Copyright Björn Stork

Miedya Mahmod | Moderator

Miedya Mahmod entered the stages of slam and the spoken word in 2016. She immediately reached the final of the North Rhine-Westphalia championships. We'll hear a lot more from her! For now, she will guide you through the programme on stage 3!


Born in 1996, Mahmod has already lived in Dortmund, Hagen and Essen, and occasionally also in trains. She is currently stopping off at Bochum. In addition to studying theatre and media studies, she is currently working as an editor at #LYTTER, a poetry magazine that wants to filter young literature from the social media platform Twitter.

David Sediqi


Djavid Sediqi | Comedy


Djavid was born in Afghanistan and grew up in Cologne. He analyses everyday situations, wraps them up with wit and humour into stories, while having a secret laugh for himself. He can't help but take a satirical look at his day-to-day work at a German government agency. On stage, the newcomer always casts a spell over his audience in a casual and relaxed way.


Djavid Sediqi fled Afghanistan with his family due to the war at the age of 10 and came to Germany. His main job is as a job advisor in a government agency. About a year ago, Djavid Sediqi discovered the comedy stage for himself, and it has since become an indispensable part of his life.

Yellow Banana Credit Dieter Hartwig

Yellow Banana

Olivia Hyunsin Kim/ddanddarakim | Performance


A short break in Mülheim an der Ruhr! Let's leave our worries behind and immerse ourselves in the world of the unknown and the new. We commemorate the 250-million-year anniversary of the Eurasian Plate with a traditional korean festival. This special ritual of reconciliation between Europe and Asia is being celebrated by none other than the unique, authentic banana ("yellow on the outside, white on the inside") Olivia Hyunsin Kim!


Olivia Hyunsin Kim works as a choreographer, performer and curator in Berlin, Frankfurt am Main and Seoul. As the founder of the ddanddarakim network, she works in different configurations with artists from various disciplines and from different backgrounds. They create choreographies that deal predominantly with the topics of postcolonialism and intersectional feminism through multiple narrative styles and hybrid stories. Tatiana Heuman is an Argentinian drummer and producer based in Berlin. DoodulSori is a professional percussion and dance ensemble for traditional Korean performance art that is one of its kind in Europe.


A Olivia Hyunsin Kim/ddanddarakim production, co-producer Het Zuidelijk Toneel. Das Gastspiel wird realisiert durch den Theaterpreis des Bundes.

Onjoy3 Foto Marcos Angeloni


Constanza Ruiz & María Mercedes Flores | Dance


Street parties and evenings where we stay up all night celebrating, festivals where we lose track of time, childhood memories of complete security, moments in the sun and being in love... Emotions such as ecstasy, intoxication and delight afflict our bodies; they express themselves in feelings with incredible energy. How do they affect those we are with? Here, everything revolves around the manifold manifestations of the aesthetics of joy and enjoyment.


Constanza Ruiz Campusano studied at the Centre for Contemporary Dance (CCD) in Cologne. In 2013, she received her bachelor's degree in sociology in Chile. Most recently, she has focused on the Bolivian carnival dance and ritual of the Tinku for the festival "tanz nrw 19" and was also our guest at HundertPro Festival Vol.1! María Mercedes Flores Mujica is a Cologne-based Venezuelan with a background in linguistics and contemporary dance. Her work is based on creating channels of communication by rooting the mind and body in relation to space and time.


Inkubator Residency – Tanzfaktur 2019

Erika Ratcliffe Pressefoto Querformat 3 Fotograf Bubu Dujmic Maximale Auflösung


Erika Ratcliffe | Comedy


Cool, cooler, burger! Erika Ratcliffe presents her first solo programme – a homage to her short, turbulent life: stories about men, women, panic attacks, love, racism and, well actually, everything. The 26-year-old Austrian manages the balancing act between trash and depth like no other comedienne of her generation. So, look forward to a gang-bang of punchlines full of sympathetic hopelessness!


With her stand-up comedy based on US format, Erika goes where it hurts: racism, hardcore feminism and vaginal yeast infections. Ratcliffe knows no taboo, and it is precisely in this lack of restraint that she finds her very own voice. The cynical Vienna woman living in Berlin with a Japanese mother and Austrian father represents a harmonious balance of humour and sarcasm, comedy and cabaret.

Notsopretty Web Sebastian Wolf


Notsopretty | Theatre


Swipe, match, date: in search of love, sex & fun, dating apps have become a matter of course. The next flirt on the mobile phone display is just a swipe away. But what does the algorithm know about me? Do our encounters and relationships change due to digital communication? Is it at all realistic to find one's great love with the help of the app? A performance for everyone who is addicted to dating apps or always wanted to find out more about them.


notsopretty, that's Anna Júlia Amaral, Marcel Nascimento and Nina Weber. The group emerged out of the "Scenic Research" master's programme at the Ruhr University in Bochum. The core of the collaboration is the artistic examination of self-presentation and the construction of identity based on (national) origin, gender and sexuality in and through the digitised space.


Sponsored by: Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, NRW Kultursekretariat, Stadt Bochum, die Gesellschaft der Freunde der RUB und der Szenischen Forschung.

Still03 300Dpi Seongmin Yuk

flounce into flounce

Seongmin Yuk | Videoinstallation/ Film

As if seen through a veil, silhouettes of figures move through a dark room. In this video installation, the dancers follow each other's abstract movements, but never meet, rather gliding past each other. These surreal-seeming almost interactions create a responsive dynamic in a space in which presence and absence coexist in a ghostly manner.


Seongmin Yuk (director) was born in South Korea in 1992 and is currently studying media art at the Academy of Media Arts (KHM) in Cologne. Since 2014, he has realised a series of works and performances in various cities in South Korea and Germany. María Mercedes Flores Mujica (choreography) was born and raised in Venezuela and currently lives in Cologne. Her background combines modern languages and contemporary dance. She can also be seen as a performer in On:Joy in this issue!



Eintritt Opening HAMONIM: 10€ / 5€ red. / 4€ group // Stage1 or 3: 15€ / 10 € red. / 6€ group (from 5)

Ort Ringlokschuppen | Am Schloß Broich 38 | 45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr

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