
Overhead Project

Performance / Theater / Tanz
Friday 03. March 2023, 20.00 Uhr Premiere
Saturday 04. March 2023, 20.00 Uhr
Greenroom presse 1 Favourite Foto Overhead Project square

Four performers around the acrobat and dancer Breno Caetano enter a constantly changing space between wood workshop, physical experimental field and exhibition space. The materiality of things determines the scenery and turns gravity, which was believed to be so secure, upside down again and again. Greenroom manifests itself as a place where objects speak their own language and where new agreements take place - including previously unknown laws of gravity. A place where nothing is as expected and nothing remains as it was.

The Cologne-based group Overhead Project has been creating works on the borderline between contemporary circus and dance for more than fifteen years and has won numerous dance awards, most recently the prestigious George Tabori Award in 2022.


A production by Overhead Project
Performance and creation
: Breno Caetano, Tim Behren, Simon Bauer, Charlotte Ducousso
: Tim Behren, Breno Caetano
Wood work
: Breno Caetano
Music composition
: Simon Bauer
Light and stage design
: Charlotte Ducousso
Costume design, Costume sculptures
: Laura Nataf
Dramatic work
: Johanna Hilari, Matthias Quabbe
: Lisa Chudalla, Anders Jensen
Interdisciplinary research:
Anna Menzel, Mirjam Hildbrand, Eric Eggert, Tim Behren, Matthias Quabbe, Johanna Hilari, Simon Bauer, Breno Caetano, Charlotte Ducousso
Technical chief:
Philip Zander
: Lisa Lehnen
PR, Management:
Mechtild Tellmann
International networking: Valentina Barone

+ Physical Introduction am 3.3. | 19 Uhr

Ort Ringlokschuppen | Am Schloß Broich 38 | 45479 Mülheim an der Ruhr

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