women's social participation and leadership: the example of Turkey and Nigeria

China Otto und Zehra Deniz

Silent University
Saturday 12. November 2022, 15.00 Uhr
Silent University Ruhr, Copyright Robin Junicke

women's social participation and leadership: the example of Turkey and Nigeria

Although we live in the 21st century and gender equality is considered an important goal almost everywhere in the world, it remains an ideal that has not yet been achieved. Discrimination against and oppression of people because of assumptions on their gender is still the norm. While women are considered a very important part of the community in most cultures they are often seen as peacemakers, bridge builders, the core of the family and the cement of the community. The assumption that women are reserved for private space and their place is in the kitchen is nevertheless widespread.

The aim of this presentation is to confirm or refute preconceptions about the role and prestige of women in different cultures, using Turkey and Nigeria as examples. SUR intends has invited China Otto from Nigeria and Zehra Deniz, a Kurdish refugee from Turkey, to give this lecture. Afterwards, an international audience will discuss the continuity of the oppression of women

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